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How To Stop Biting Nails





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




How To Stop Biting Nails(圖1)-速報App

Intentionally, unintentionally a lot of us tend to bite our nails in front of public, at homes and do not even realize it until someone pokes us about it. Nail biting is one of the most unhygienic habits which a lot of us do not like at all.

We tend to pick this habit from our childhood and tend to do this everywhere. Nail biting must be controlled by each one of us. It is very essential to take proper care of our nails, nail biting can lead to infections which can turn severe. It isn’t very difficult to stop this habit, needs the proper guide and control for it.

Here are few of the helpful tricks which will effectively help you control it.

Our app covers several essential categories which take care of your needs. We provide a pre-defined checklist and also allow you to customize features according to your needs and requirements.

How To Stop Biting Nails(圖2)-速報App

This app provides a different kind of techniques for different people.

 This app will organize and take into account

Why Do People Bite Their Nails

How To Stop Picking Your Nails

How To Stop Biting Nails(圖3)-速報App

How To Stop Chewing Nails

Nail Biting Treatment

How To Stop Biting Nails For Guys

How To Stop Biting Nails In 9 Minutes

How To Stop Biting Nails(圖4)-速報App

Nail Biting Infection

How To Stop Kids From Biting Nails

How To Stop Biting Nails For Guys

How To Stop Picking Cuticles

How To Stop Biting Nails(圖5)-速報App

How To Stop Toddler From Biting Nails

Treat Yourself To A Manicure

Keep Your Nails Relatively Short

Push Your Cuticles Back

How To Stop Biting Nails(圖6)-速報App

Maintain A Healthy Diet

Celebrate Your Nail Success

Negative Habit

Avoid Cold-turkey Approaches

How To Stop Biting Nails(圖7)-速報App

Keep Your Fingers Busy

Create New Positive Habits

Reward Yourself

If you struggle with any techniques here, we help you will video tutorials as well.

How To Stop Biting Nails(圖8)-速報App

If you enjoy your experience and want to share it with your friends and family then we will help you with that.

So what are you waiting for, download the app now and get going…

We have EBook Recommendations as well as a place to submit your own tips and get a chance to be featured in this app.


How To Stop Biting Nails(圖9)-速報App